Hyperion is a moon of Saturn and is known for its irregular shape and chaotic rotation. It was discovered in 1848 by the American astronomer William Cranch Bond. Hyperion has a diameter of about 270 kilometers and orbits Saturn at a distance of about 1.5 million kilometers. Its surface is heavily cratered and is covered in a layer of dusty material that gives it a reddish-brown color. One of the most interesting features of Hyperion is its irregular shape, which gives it a sponge-like appearance. The moon is also known for its chaotic rotation, which is thought to be caused by the gravitational influence of other moons in the Saturnian system. Hyperion is composed mainly of water ice, with small amounts of rock and other materials. Its low density suggests that it may have a porous interior, with voids or pockets of empty space. Hyperion has been visited by the Cassini spacecraft, which made a close flyby of the moon in 2005. These flybys provided valuable insights into the geology and composition of Hyperion and helped to deepen our understanding of the Saturnian system and the formation and evolution of moons in the outer solar system.
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