Triton(Neptune's moon)

 Triton is the largest moon of Neptune and was discovered by British astronomer William Lassell just 17 days after the planet was discovered in 1846. It is named after the Greek sea god Triton, the son of Poseidon and Amphitrite. Triton is an icy moon that is believed to be a captured Kuiper Belt object, and is one of the coldest objects in the Solar System, with a surface temperature of about -235 degrees Celsius (-391 degrees Fahrenheit). Triton is a large moon, with a diameter of about 2,700 kilometers (1,680 miles), making it the seventh-largest moon in the Solar System. It orbits Neptune in a retrograde direction, meaning it orbits in the opposite direction to Neptune's rotation, which is unusual for a moon. Triton has a highly varied surface, with smooth plains, ridges, and valleys, as well as impact craters and ice volcanoes known as cryovolcanoes. Triton is also notable for its thin atmosphere, which is composed mainly of nitrogen with traces of methane and carbon monoxide. The atmosphere is thought to be the result of outgassing from the moon's interior, as well as sublimation of ices on its surface. Triton is the only large moon in the Solar System that has a retrograde orbit and a substantial atmosphere.

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