Larissa(Neptune's moon)

 Larissa is the fifth innermost moon of Neptune and was discovered by Harold J. Reitsema, William B. Hubbard, Larry A. Lebofsky, and David J. Tholen in 1981 from ground-based observations. It is named after a lover of Poseidon in Greek mythology who was also a daughter of the river god Peneus. Larissa is a small, irregularly shaped moon that measures about 194 kilometers (120 miles) across its longest dimension. It orbits Neptune at a distance of about 73,500 km (45,600 miles) and completes one orbit in about 13 hours and 28 minutes. Larissa's surface is heavily cratered and shows evidence of some tectonic activity, with several grooves and ridges. It is believed to be composed mainly of water ice and rock, and may have a partially differentiated interior with a rocky core and an icy mantle.

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