Styx(Pluto's moon)

 Styx is one of the moons of the dwarf planet Pluto. It was discovered in 2012 by a team of astronomers using the Hubble Space Telescope. Styx is one of five known moons of Pluto, along with Charon, Nix, Hydra, and Kerberos. Styx is a small moon, with a diameter of about 16 kilometers (10 miles), and orbits Pluto at a distance of about 42,000 kilometers (26,000 miles). It has an elongated shape, with a length of about 30 kilometers (18 miles), and is thought to be composed primarily of water ice. The discovery of Styx was significant because it was the last of Pluto's known moons to be discovered, and its elongated shape suggested that it may have formed from debris resulting from a collision between Pluto and another object. The New Horizons spacecraft, which flew by Pluto and its moons in 2015, provided the first detailed images and data on Styx. The images revealed that Styx has a highly reflective surface, indicating the presence of a coating of water ice, and a relatively smooth surface with few visible craters. Overall, Styx is an interesting object in the outer solar system, providing insights into the formation and evolution of the Pluto system and the small, icy objects that populate the Kuiper Belt.

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